Easy steps to setup Java SDK in IntelliJ

Kumar Pavan
Nov 27, 2022


Hello everyone in this article you will be reading about how to setup Java SDK for Java projects in IntelliJ Community Edition.

Steps to follow

There are a few simple steps to setup Java SDK in IntelliJ Community Edition. All you have to do is follow below steps

  1. Open the Java project in IntelliJ
Select project in IntelliJ

2. Right click on project and go to module settings.

Open module settings

3. Go to Platform settings and download required SDK/JDK.

Download required SDK

4. Go to Project Settings > Project and select the downloaded SDK to be configured for project.

Select required project SDK/JDK

Video tutorial

If you want to look at a video tutorial, please feel free to watch the below video. Thanks.




Kumar Pavan

Mechanical Engineer by degree, a programmer by virtue of analysis, Web Developer by profession.